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QPRC Panel Session Abstracts

Session Title: Boosting our Research Productivity: Models for Successful Industry/Academic/ Government Collaboration

Organizer and Chair: Angela Patterson


Matthew Rotelli, Eli Lilly and Company, rotel "AT"
Alan Karr, NISS, karr "AT"
Tom Lange, Proctor and Gamble, "AT"


Within our own organizations, most of us have experienced the benefits of collaborating with fellow Statisticians and as members of cross-disciplinary teams. Fewer of us, perhaps, have realized the benefits of collaborating with fellow professionals from other organizations who are likely doing similar research. The purpose of this panel discussion is to define and share successful models for collaboration between professionals in industry, government and academia, as a means of fostering more productive and valuable research in the Statistical sciences.

Session Title: Working Effectively With Non-Statisticians
Organizer: Scott Kowalski


Roger Hoerl, General Electric Global Research, hoerl "AT"
Angela Patterson,
General Electric Global Research, patterso "AT"
Ron Snee,
Tunnell Consulting, Snee "AT"


Many statisticians have expressed frustration over difficulties encountered when working with non-statisticians, in various environments. These frustrations include such things as a tendency to misunderstand statistical conclusions, a general lack of credibility and influence afforded to statisticians, and proper statistical studies only being an afterthought once problems occur, to name just a few issues. This session will provide ideas and suggestions for dealing with many of these issues based on the panelists' experience, and also allow significant time for questions from attendees. We will begin the session by discussing what we believe is a critical root cause of many of the issues - the dramatic changes in our professional environment, and the way in which these have impacted the roles of statisticians. After discussing these critical changes and their implications, we will focus on three key areas of interaction with non-statisticians: working with professionals, working with teams, and working with management. The environmental changes have important implications in each of these areas. The panelists will also identify common themes across these application areas.

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