2006 Joint Research Conference on Statistics in Quality, Industry and Technology

Pre-conference Tutorial

Held at the University of Tennessee Conference Center (4th Floor) across the street from the Hilton.

June 6, 2006 -- 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Analyzing Reliability Data in MINITAB

By Scott Kowalski

This four hour short course introduces the concepts associated with reliability data. Reliability analyses differ from standard data analyses because the normal distribution is rarely used, prediction is typically in the tails of the distribution instead of the center, and the data are often censored. The focus of this applied course will be on understanding how to determine lifetime characteristics of a product using both graphical and quantitative analysis methods in MINITAB . Topics will include demonstration plans, censored data, parametric distribution analysis and multiple failure modes.


June 6, 2006 -- 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

A Modern Approach to the Teaching and Practice of Designed Experiments 

By Christopher Nachtsheim and Bradley Jones

This course is for DOE practitioners who want a fresh perspective about designing experiments using the custom design capabilities of JMP software.  

This course covers the fundamental concepts of design as well as the practice of sequential experimentation. We teach using interactive demonstrations and practice: you plan experiments with custom design, conduct trials with realistic process simulators, and analyze experiments with JMP to discover underlying influences of process behavior in a series of case studies.

Classes will be held at The University of Tennessee Conference Center directly across from the Hilton Hotel.  The Continuing Education Center is located on the 4th floor.


Conference sponsors

College of Business Administration
College of Engineering

Quality and Productivity Research Conference

Section on Quality and Productivity

Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences

Spring Research Conference on Statistics in Industry and Technology


Contact Judy Snow, jsnow@utk.edu regarding 2006 Joint Research Conference