JRC Student Scholarships

JRC Student Scholarships are given to students who wish to participate in the conference. The conference registration fee is waived for local students who are granted a scholarship. Scholarship recipients who would need to travel more than one hour each way to the conference and choose to stay locally receive a $250 stipend to defray travel costs in addition to free registration.

To apply for a JRC Student Scholarship, students should submit a brief written request outlining their area and duration of study, their advisor's name and contact information, and reasons they would like to attend the conference. Applicants who are also applying for the Natrella Scholarship can designate the use of their Natrella Scholarship application in place of a separate written request for a JRC Scholarship.

The extended application deadline for JRC Student Scholarships is April 15, 2010. Scholarship applications should be emailed to will.guthrie@nist.gov.