
Conference hotels and rates are listed below. Please call the hotel to make your reservation and mention "QPRC 2012" to get the conference rate.

  • The Pacific Inn
    600 Marina Drive
    Seal Beach, CA  00740
    Just minutes away from the beach.  A very short and free shuttle ride to the conference venue.
    Pacific Inn rate: $129.90/night
    Shuttle Service
  • Ayres Hotel Seal Beach
    12850 Seal Beach Boulevard
    Seal Beach, CA  00740
    European-inspired accommodations and modern services.  Free shuttle ride to conference venue.
    Ayres Inn rate: $121/night
    Shuttle Service
  • Economy Motel 6
    1121 East Pacific Coast Highway
    Long Beach, CA 90806
    Walking distance to conference venue.
    Rooms for about $60/night

Higher-end hotels are also widely available in the beautiful Long Beach area.  Conference rates will not be available at these hotels, and attendees will be responsible for their own transportation to the conference venue.  Two options in this space are: